Monday, May 12, 2014

Remarkable Lake County --- Hometown Personalities-opoly

Ohio's smallest county is home to many important historical personalities.  Many are well known to our citizens, others remain little known or unnoticed.  See how many county personalities you know from the clues provided.  You will identify the hometown of the personality provided.

#1.  Frenchy the Pirate, WWII ace Donald Blakeslee, Jonathon Goldsmith, Amy Kaukonen and Niles Rasmussen all contributed to the the history of Grandon now known as...

#2.  Civil War personality Eliza Wilcox, architect Charles Heard and Dr. Storm Rosa all hail from this town.  Each played an important role in its history.

#3.  James S. Rutherford, driver for Elliott Ness and Ann Cook Whitman, secretary to Dwight D. Eisenhower called this Lake County town home.

#4.  Cole Porter, Joan Crawford, Gene Tunney and Gloria Swanson visited this estate located on the corner of Little Mountain and Hart.  The estate belonged to Leonard C. Hanna and is part of...

#5  Dr. William Rucker and his wife Mildred were the cornerstones to the African-American community for decades in this city.

#6.  Abram Garfield built this summer home in 1908 for machine tool magnate John G. Oliver.  Known today as Wildwood it is located in this city.

#7.  Revolutionary War heroes Captain Abraham Skinner and Col. Eleazer Paine bought tract 4 and formed this 1806-1809 town.  Name it

#8.  Dr. Storm Rosa joined the faculty at this medical college in 1843 in Chagrin, today known as...

#9.  The Frank White Farm and William Jones home were two early names in this city's beginnings.

#10.  George Henry Hooper lent his 'cooper' talents to Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company and became famous overnight.  He spent his entire adult life in this township.

answers:  10.  madison twp.  9. wickliffe  8. willoughby  7.  new market  6.  mentor  5.  painesville      4.  kirtland hills   3.  perry  2.  painesville  1. fairport harbor